Calling People of Size in Portland
Want to get a lot of spammy emails? Launch a blog! Seriously - the day I published my site is the day my inbox exploded with pitches from PR people trying to get me to write about their products and services (products and services that usually had little to nothing to do with what I actually cover - #PRfail).
But I recently got an email that I was SO excited about. It was an email telling me about a new review platform called ALLGO. ALLGO is a new company dedicated to expanding the world for people of size. Essentially, it's going to be a review site and app where people of size can rate the comfort and accessibility of places so others can know what it's like before going out.
I LOVE this so much (and not just because when I stood up after a recent dinner at The Polo Bar with my friends The12ishStyle and FashionFoieGras the narrow chair came along for the ride). One of the lines from Roxane Gay's amazing book Hunger that struck me the most was, "The bigger you become, the smaller your world gets." It's true. And it's something that straight-size people don't usually understand.
ALLGO's founders Michele and Rebecca
The platform reviews a wide variety of venue types, from restaurants to theaters and gyms to airlines. The beta version of ALLGO will be released exclusively in Portland, Oregon in late summer 2018.
Check ALLGO out on Instagram , sign up for their beta, and get out there and explore the world in comfort!