A Fat Person (Me) Tells You What Not to Say to A Fat Person
I have been fat my whole life (literally my whole life - I was a little over 11 lbs at birth). This means I have 35 years of experience of people saying and doing the wrong thing when it comes to my weight. I still remember the September after 2nd grade when a classmate's mother, who hadn't seen me since the previous school year, slowly looked me up and down and pronounced me..."enormous."
Me as a giant baby.
So, I'm taking this time to put together a little PSA about what not to say to a fat person. Maybe all of these don't bother everyone, but I guarantee at least one will really grind a fat person's gears. And trust me, you don't want that.
5. Have you always been big?
Have you always been an asshole?
4. You must have been a football player in high school [admittedly this one is more for the guys]!
Actually, I played the flute. And I was quite good at it. But that doesn't mean I can't crush you.
I was a teen flautist, and I'm not afraid to put it on the internet.
3. But you're not fat...I'm talking about fat fat.
Actually, I am fat. But that doesn't mean you should talk about it. Or about any person's body, really, whether they're thick or thin. It's none of your business.
2. Ugh, I'm such a heifer - I can't believe I ate that!
Well, no, you aren't. And so what if you were? I am.
And now, for the #1 thing you should never say to a fat person:
1. You have such a handsome face!
Thank you for noticing. I do have a handsome face! And handsome legs, and a handsome belly, and handsome hands. But, more importantly, I am also a smart, kind, talented, funny person. So there.
Bonus item: You're so cuddly!
Sometimes. Other times no. 'Cuz guess what? I am a human being who happens to be fat. But I am still a human. I am not always jolly, I am not always the life of the party (except, let's be real, I am), and I am not always cuddly.
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